Holiday Cottages, Essex LVIA

  • Category

    Ecology, LVIA

Instructed to carry out a Landscape and Visual Appraisal and a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal to support a planning application for holiday log cabins and associated landscape, the scheme, which has since won planning approval, includes 3 buildings, access drive and ancillary parking and landscape areas.
With values of surrounding character areas assessed as ‘moderate’, the sensitivity of the local landscape in relation to the nearby SSSI and LoWSs was assessed as ‘high’, with impacts found to be ‘low’ with appropriate mitigation recommendations. Six receptors were considered, chosen for their visual proximity to the site and their location within the valley landscape.

Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
The site was subject to a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal as part of a planning application for 3 holiday log cabins. The principal ecological features of the site comprising hedgerow and mature trees were unaffected by the proposal.
The site and development proposal were considered for impacts on a range of protected species, including foraging and commuting bats, reptile and great crested newts.


  • Category

    Landscape Architecture:Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment

    Ecology:Preliminary Ecological Appraisal